Greetings of Great Summer Joy!
Raspberries and roses were given freely to me from the garden this morning with gratitude and awe. I am currently dog/cat sitting at a waterfront house in Halfmoon Bay and the living is simply beautiful. Paradise exists on Earth! I started my day picking raspberries to go on top of my porridge with roses for the table. The summer sun is shimmering through the branches overhead as I sit on a comfy chair in the garden writing this. The sky is a soft blue and a gentle breeze off the ocean is keeping me cool. The robin is hopping around looking for lunch, while the squirrel is scurrying along the fence. The lilies are blooming next to the roses. Every flower adds colour and fragrance to the exquisite bouquet that is God’s Garden. Everything is aglow with life and simply doing and being what it came here to do and to be… how lovely to belong!
One of the life lessons that my soul is currently learning is to honour solitude. I am hanging out with me, myself and I much of my non-working time these days. I call it “The Hermit” phase of my life. It has been 15 months since I said goodbye to someone who really, really loved me and I him. I still weep as memories drift in and out, but I am starting to embrace loneliness in a new way as my perception changes. I came across these words by theologian, Paul Tillich,
“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.”
Wow… the shift in perception that happens when solitude is experienced as “the glory of being alone.” I am just starting to really understand this.
Here are some more wise words by an unknown author,
“There is a difference between loneliness and solitude. One will empty you and one will fill you. You have the power to choose.”
My much-loved favourite Irish writer, John O’ Donohue, has this to say about solitude and belonging in his book, “Anam Cara.” These words get right to the heart and soul of the matter.
Solitude is one of the most precious things in the human spirit. It is different from loneliness. When you are lonely, you become acutely conscious of your own separation. Solitude can be a homecoming to your own deepest belonging. One of the lovely things about us as individuals is the incommensurable in us. In each person, there is a point of absolute nonconnection with everything else and with everyone. This is fascinating and frightening. It means that we cannot continue to seek outside ourselves for things we need from within. The blessings for which we hunger are not to be found in other places or people. These gifts can only be given to you by yourself. They are at home at the hearth of your soul.
No wonder this life lesson on loneliness and solitude is so important to experience and inner stand. When we come home to ourselves, we are never alone. The dinner date with me, myself, and I is a pleasure not a torture for the blessing that I hunger for is found within. It is time to come home to the hearth of my soul.
Thank you for listening. Perhaps some of these same feelings have arisen in you. It is such a gift to share, if you dare. My heart is open to listen and care. May you find time to delight in the beauty of summer and the gift of your soul.
With Much Love and Joy,
A Blessing for You…
For Solitude
May you recognize in your life the presence,
power and light of your soul.
May you realize that you are never alone,
that your soul in its brightness and belonging
connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.
May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique,
that you have a special destiny here,
that behind the facade of your life
there is something beautiful and eternal happening.
May you learn to see yourself with the same delight,
pride, and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.
~ John O’Donohue
from “To Bless the Space Between Us, A book of Blessings”.
The video for this week, “Aloha Ke Kua,” is visually stunning and grounding. The music is by Nahko and Medicine for the People. The Hawaiian words in the title loosely translate to mean “breath of life” and “the love of God.” It is long but very worthy of the watching.
What’s Happening in the Neighbourhood
Wild Seeds of Light Sunday, July 14 at 11 a.m. will be popping up at our spot in the forest behind the Halfmoon Bay Elementary School. You can park in the main parking lot and walk across the playground. We will meet in the forest on the other side of the gazebo. If you need further direction please phone Jacqueline by 9 am Sunday 604-741-5370. We will gather for one hour, so please be on time. The Halfmoon Bay Fair is on at Cooper’s Green starting at noon and some of us want to go.
Also, one of our practices at this time of year is to bring and share from the abundance of our gardens as we are able.
If the weather is inclement, we will meet at the yoga studio at 8140 Cedarwood Road in Halfmoon Bay.
Free will donations are appreciated as we co-create this community together. If you can offer a few extra dollars, seed money, towards the cost of our website it would be greatly appreciated. E-transfer to:
Wild Yarns… at 6 pm this Monday. Please phone Jacqueline to find out the mystery location. There will be an opportunity to ocean swim and a pot luck dinner.
Sacred Play every Tuesday morning from 10-noon. We are meeting outside again. The new location is on the field at Connor Park in Halfmoon Bay. Bring a tarp for your yoga mat and water to drink. We will meet at the yoga studio on Cedarwood Road on rainy days.